In most European countries elections are often taken for granted. However, we sometimes forget to also look at the quality of the elections which is often at stake. D21 - Janeček method is motivated to improve the electoral system and positively influence the behaviour of politicians and the society. I joined the Institute H21 in 2020 to research the method further as a part of a democratic system. I have specialized on electoral systems since my bachelor studies at the University of Hradec Králové. In 2020, I received a Doctorate Degree in Political Science from Masaryk University in Brno for my dissertation dealing with the electoral integrity in Central Europe. I was gathering my professional experiences also during the study visits abroad (Central European University, Twente Universiteit, University degli Studi del Peimonte Orientale) and as a researcher in both the academic and private sector. I am glad that I can say that despite my professional orientation I am still sane thanks to my wife, guitar and good music.


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